:~January 4th, 2009~:

So what is up with creepy dreams? I don't know but I have been having a lot of those lately *squeaks* My sims 2 site is still undergoing changes and whatnot, so please keep checking back, I'm sure there will be something everyone can use sooner or later lawl. That reminds me I need to go download the latest CEP O_O....*runs off* Not much going on for my blog aka the home page but feel free to make suggestions to my email :) I appreciate ideas and whatnot =^^= I've been working on a few clothes for my simmies nothing special at the moment though. New recolors should be up soon if I get to working on that today :D *hoorayyyy...* lol. New year's day was alright I suppose, I can't wait until Chinese New Year though :D Happy Year of the Ox everyone! =^^= not yet though just setting that out a bit early :D (Jan, 26th is the new year i believe... correct me if i'm wrong! lol)

:~December 17th, 2008~:

Picture of the day:

Happy Holidays and a Blessed Yule to everyone, I have not updated in a while and i'm working on it as we speak, i'm just posting a small note to let you all know what's going on. Snow is great but not when you're snowed in, in this case iced in, since the roads are pretty bad. We're hoping the snow lets up sometime soon, but that's a shot in the dark at this point. I've been making a lot of sims items and will probably transform this site into a sims2 object site sometime soon! So please be patient as I go through these changes. The new site's name will be called The Lucky Peasant, as all the items will be free for download, and I will be working extra hard to get some items up! Till next time, keep your head screwed on just right, not too tight like the grinch's haha.

:~:September 9th, 2008~:

I have updated the blog website page (this page that you are on) again, I hope you all like the spazz-tastic art theme, I tried my best to come up with the most random doodles, so here ya go xD I hope there isn't a breakfast squid around....I am starving basically because I only ate a few frosted flakes, but I'll live until friday, it's already tuesday :D So only three more days mwahahaha. I have updated this site only for now, I might have a couple new adoptable keychains for you guys :D So keep on the lookout for those. I hope you all enjoyed the summer, I know most of my friends who are younger than me, are going back to school this week or have been back for a while now, if you live on the east coast xD. *dances* I have moved out and lost internet access/computer access for a while, so now that it's back I will be updating more. I hope you all will keep checking back!!! I'm planning to rack out the goodies once I get to making them =^^= Ciao for now! *waves*

:~August 12th, 2008~:

I can't believe how much butter I'm about to eat! Check out my new doll site profile, I updated yet again, so check it out ppls! In other news I've been more active on gaia, sorry to all my friends that were begging me to come back, I feel terrible! I'm crocheting a small poncho for my baby hello kitty xD So I'll hopefully have pics of that up whenever I finish. Happy birthday EARLY to my sister, whose b'day is August 22nd, wish her a happy bday everyone! xD That's all for now, I'll update laters, bai for now *waves*

:~July 6th, 2008~:

Only 4 more days until my birthday, yay! What is wrong with me? I don't know haha. I am working on a crochet bunny, but he's turning out more like a blob, maybe I'll make an alien out of him. So I stumbled across a few patterns online including a cookie fridgie, which I will make, but I also found some fake cookie patterns that look really cute when you put them in jars! I think my next project will be a crochet poptart purse, that will house my zune and keep it safe from harm, unless I mistake the actual purse for a poptart haha. In other news, I updated my dolling website again, so it's much easier to navigate! I hope you all visit soon! That's all for now kiddies! Rock on \m/ (-_-) \m/